
I have been calling myself aadm on the internet since forever. I have a very long name, and I have always wanted it to be much shorter: that's why aadm.

I like photography and making photographs.

The journal also collects my random writings about all the other things that interest me, like motorbikes, mountain bikes, linux and python.

I was born and raised in Southern Italy and have lived in Gravina, Bari, London, Milano, Stavanger. I have returned to Milano in September 2018.

Please do not steal, manipulate or remix my photos, illustrations and content without my consent. You may link to the site and quote selected text only if you put a a link back to the original content.

I'm not very "social" these days, but I still have a Twitter account that you can use to contact me, and I hang out on the best forum for photonerds on the web, discuss.pixls.us. I also have a github account where I have mainly Python code for geophysicists.

Thanks for stopping by.