Yesterday I was browsing Merlin Mann's 43folders , and I've stumbled upon his definition of geek:

I think Getting Things Done appeals to geeks for a lot of reasons. Overgeneralizing for effect:

  • geeks are often disorganized or have a twisted skein of attention-deficit issues
  • geeks love assessing, classifying, and defining the objects in their world
  • geeks crave actionable items and roll their eyes at “mission statements” and lofty management patois
  • geeks like things that work with technology-agnostic and lofi tools
  • geeks like frameworks but tend to ignore rules
  • geeks are unusually open to change (if it can be demonstrated to work better than what they’re currently using)
  • geeks like fixing things on their own terms
  • geeks have too many projects and lots and lots of stuff

Well, GTD does not appeal to me (even though I have already written a short note about it), but all of the above points.... man, that's me !

I'm so glad not be alone in this world. Now, where can I have a t-shirt like this?