Today a very good thing happened to me, but it was followed by a very bad thing. Anyway I won't talk about good or bad things here because they're personal.
For now all I want is to point the casual reader to a blog (travelogue, climbing diary, don't know how's gonna be shaped) which was just started by a good friend of mine, somebody that sooner or later will appear as special guest star in a (true) tale that I will post here.
The friend is Silvio, and on the 19th of September he's left a very good position in London (let's not forget his beatiful flat) to start a 10-month climbing trip that will take him (if all goes well, and I certainly hope this will be the case) to summit 35 peaks in Southern America.
I'll track his progress with the help of this blog and this flickr page.
Good luck Silvio, I shall see you in 10 months; I wonder what your eyes will look like at your return.