I would like to move to some place neat in the future, maybe a place where the outdoors are close and people are friendly and the quality of life is great (maybe everybody dreams about a place like this).
Vancouver seems to be that place, however it would be difficult to find a job there unless I change profession and become something else than a earth scientist.
So a collegue of mine told me about Calgary. The Rocky Mountains are close, only the weather is not temperate like in Vancouver but no problem about the jobs -- plenty of opportunities to work in the oil industry.
Giulia began browsing around on the web and she found some great documents on Calgary, which made me realize how so far behind Italy is.
Example #1: Calgary's bicycle policy, which is a fantastic read because it states and defines obvious and/or useful things with are actually beneficial to citizens -- and it does so with none of the obfuscating phrasing which is so common in these kind of documents. For example, do you know what is the intent of this policy ?:
Re-affirm the importance of cycling as a meaningful, non-motorized choice of transportation.
Establish broad, city-wide policies that provide direction and guidance on how to plan, design, build, operate and maintain a city where cycling is a meaningful form of transportation for social and economic activities.
Example #2: online consultation regarding a public park. Another incredible example, this time it's about the local authorities inviting citizens to speak out their ideas on the future of a local park. Looks like utopia to me.