Date Series Part 8 of weekly snaps Tags photo

I have been doing some experiments with this "stitching-bokeh" method; a neat idea to get the look of a medium-format camera but it takes too much computer work to get a good result; this is one of my attempts, definetely not as flashy as Brenizer's, and I am pretty sure only a minimal percentage of viewers would spot something 'different' here:

brenizer-test 2

The other photographs that I have collected for this ninth installment have been taken during the past few days in Parma; two days of sunshine and then two rainy days. These are the rainy days photographs1.

_D7K8321 PORTRA400

_1070833 PORTRA400

_D7K8288 PORTRA400

_D7K8296 PORTRA400

_D7K8301 PORTRA400

_D7K8295 PORTRA400

_D7K8305 PORTRA400

  1. The first one was taken by Giulia.