frozen the worst movie ever

This is probably one of the worst movie I've ever watched. It is so bad that I actually enjoyed it. But the most incredible thing is that the three reviews that I've read, well they're not so harsh on this piece of junk:

Emma Bell, in particular, really sells the …

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I've been a great fan of 24 since its first season, years ago. I've thoroughly enjoyed the first season, and also the second and the third. However, the show has been moving towards full improbability with the latest seasons. I think I also watched season 4, and then I don't …

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mountain bike movies

I am an enthusiast mountain bike rider, but because I seem to be affected by a number of injuries associated with slow recovery times (my old age plays a big part here, as it is physiologically proven that is faster to recover from a broken bone when you're 20 than …

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punch drunk love minireview

Punch Drunk Love, a.k.a. il lato oscuro di Adam Sandler.

C'e' un lui che e' schizzato. Schizzato di brutto. Ma all'inizio non sembra.

E' gentile coi suoi colleghi di lavoro, si mette giacca e cravatta, dice sempre si' alle sorelle rompipalle.

Ma !

Ma dice di no ad una …

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spanglish minireview

C'e' una messicana bona dal cuore d'oro e con figlia a carico che si trasferisce a Los Angeles.

Va a lavorare come sguattera nella villa di questi superamericani con la famiglia cosi' composta:

  • moglie (bionda) schizzata e puttana dalla lacrima facile;

  • suocera mbriacona dalla lacrima facile;

  • figlia sovrappeso e sensibile …

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