couple of things with my name on

A brief interlude to note down a couple of things.

I follow only one podcast, and that's On Taking Pictures. As the name says, it's about photography, and in one recent Q&A episode they kindly answered a question I have made; what's cool however is their comment on my …

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oltre kickstarter

Quando diventi grande e hai la famiglia, il lavoro... le biciclette e la fotografia e l'hackintosh e i fumetti da leggere... perdi colpi, non sei più al corrente delle novità che ci sono su internet, e ti riduci a credere che kickstarter sia l'unico sito di finanziamento popolare1.

E …

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direttamente dal cassetto

Attenzione, arriva una serie di appunti che butto lì, tanto per levarli dall'eterno stato di DRAFT.

Il primo ad esempio lo scrivevo a febbraio 2012 (rileggendolo, lo trovo ancora attuale):

situazione della città di milano addì 14 febbraio 2012

  • il portafoglio dei possessori di porsche carrera 4 GTS e Cayenne …

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notes on parenting

Lately I've been reading quite a lof of articles about parenting. Most of them are book reviews but I did not read any of these books though1, which could mean: (A) I'm a bit shallow, (B) stressed out New Yorkers, overproductive Chinese immigrants, rich Californians are not people that …

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talking photography

There are still pearls to be found on the internet, after all.

In these days I have found three photography blogs which are full of interesting and well written articles; stimulating, instructive, much better of the crap that Popular Photography publishes (and I'm not even mentioning the countless websites and …

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reading fiction is important

So true:

Reading fiction is important. It is a vital means of imagining a life other than our own, which in turn makes us more empathetic beings. Following complex story lines stretches our brains beyond the 140 characters of sound-bite thinking, and staying within the world of a novel gives …

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Ho scoperto un sito fantastico, di quelli che ti fanno riscoprire quanto Internet possa ancora essere fonte di meraviglie.

Si chiama Brain Pickings ed è come se fossero i ritagli di giornale che vorresti mettere da parte; parla di creatività, di scienza, di filosofia, di psicologia; parla di qualsiasi argomento …

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hereditary genius

From "Secrets of a Mind-Gamer", a fascinating article on a normal guy who becomes a memory champion:

In his 1869 book Hereditary Genius Sir Francis Galton argued that a person could improve at mental and physical activities until he hit a wall, which “he cannot by any education or exertion …

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