
[Click here for italian version.]

I left Bari many years ago. It is my adoptive hometown, and when I return every once in a while, I enjoy walking around aimlessly, meeting old friends, the cool breeze from the sea, rediscovering situations and places that haven't really changed that much.

Bus stop (1/200 sec. at f/5.6, ISO 400, 28 mm).
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bari (italian)

[Click here for english version.]

Ho lasciato Bari tanti anni fa. Resta la mia citta' adottiva, e quando ci ritorno una volta ogni tanto, mi piace girovagare senza meta, incontrare vecchi amici, sentire la brezza marina, riscoprire situazioni e luoghi che non sono cambiati chissa' quanto.

Fermata dell'autobus (1/200 sec. at f/5.6, ISO 400, 28 mm).
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thoughts on photography 1

I think a lot about photography; usually random, incoherent things that I tend to forget (or more often, forget the point I was trying to make). This is an attempt to make some order. A second part is half-written. It may be published sooner or later.

portrait photographers

Are they really that good? As Bill and Jefferey often say on their show, how hard can it be to take a good photograph of George Clooney or some beautiful model?

Why do we refer to Platon, Newton, Leibovitz as some sort of geniuses because they know how to set up lights and get these professionals (whose job is looking good) to look good? Not to mention the make up artists, strobists and whatnot working for them.

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art photographers

The world of art photography fascinates me. I especially love those who refer to themselves as "artists", their art being typically exemplified by boring, flat, sad photos where the "artist" himself is shown with vacuous eyes, half naked, a cigarette maybe, with another sad human or animal being by his side. Or empty landscapes showing detritus and crap with not an ounce of interestingness.

I find it wildly entertaining and maddening at the same time their ability to write so much and with so many complicated words about the void their art is made of.

I love even more critics that find meaning in these empty images. It leaves me cold and a bit angry, I admit, that some of these "artists" are even able to pay their bills with this shit they (and nobody else) call "art".

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geoscience and python

Since I picked up Python a couple of years ago I have enjoyed my everyday job more and more. It's like being thrown back to my 12-year old self playing with a ZX Spectrum or Commodore-128, when all I wanted was to create videogames or do some other stuff1; only back then I didn't have the perseverance and the excuses that I have now.

"Excuses" is a fine word for what I do; I am assigned a task (or sometimes I go looking for one), and I see this task only as an excuse to solve the problem in a way that I see fit. So if there's even a hint of repetition I will go and write a for-loop to do that. If I need to use a dumb-ass software that I don't like I will write the dumb-ass piece of code myself2. Etc.

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genitori secondo cito

A maggio scorso ho assistito a una presentazione di Francesco Cito, noto fotografo italiano. Tra i vari progetti mostrati c'era anche "Coma", in cui raccontava, attraverso immagini piatte e struggenti, la normalità che circonda dei ragazzi entrati in coma irreversibile.

E la normalità sarebbe quella di parenti e amici che …

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ripresa delle trasmissioni

[Click here for english version.]

Breve comunicazione di servizio per dire a tutti quelli che mi seguono che presto, prestissimo, riprenderanno le trasmissioni.

Ho avuto da fare con trasloco, lavoro, stare con la famiglia, il collegamento internet che non si collegava, e varie altre robe che occupano la quotidianità insomma …

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stolen bikes and new bike

Last month two bikes were stolen from a certain garage in San Donato Milanese. Those were my mountain bikes; the garage, well that wasn't mine1.

And it was dead easy to open the garage for these gentlemen. Not only did they steal my two most precious bikes, leaving the …

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