Somewhere, behind the sad story of Lance Armstrong and his team mates doing EPO and other shit to dominate professional cycling, lies the reason behind my personal preference of a certain kind of sport.

Ask a MotoGP rider do drugs; or a mountain biker doing an downhill or enduro race; or a climber on a vertical wall in the Dolomites: none of these athletes will do drugs. That's because the core of their activity more technique than physique.

So this is why I have never liked too much road cycling and the marathons and swimming and weight lifting. Because it's 99% physical activity. Let an animal do such sports. Let the horses run, the dogs chase fake rabbits, and let's all cheer for the extreme power and awesomeness of them. And let's do standing ovations for men and women that do other kinds of sports, where to prevail you need coordination between mind and body, be it a natural talent or acquired through hard work and exercise.