Selezione di fotografie in 3 parti scattate durante il viaggio in Madagascar che io e Giulia abbiamo fatto dopo esserci sposati. Siamo partiti il 27 Agosto da Milano e rientrati il 17 Settembre 2011. La prima parte è dedicata alle persone, la seconda ai luoghi, la terza alla natura.
First things first: it's not at all a D7000 with a large sensor inside!
If that's the impression you have from reading the rants in the dpreview forums, well it's wrong. And you should stop reading those forums (I know, I should too! It's just that sometimes something really clever comes up like the Dot Tune workflow to do AF fine tuning on Nikon DSLRs).
It's actually a bit larger, not uncomfortably so however; it's still sized very reasonably, but it's more squat than the D7000 probably because it needs to accomodate that wonderfully large viewfinder. The overall feel is of a tougher and more grown-up camera than the D7000 (and the D7000 in my opinion is a perfectly mature body, a perfect compromise between the small and plasticky D3xxx/D5xxx and the hulky D700/D3/D4).
But street photography is about shooting people, and if you can’t get close to them to take your photograph, then you’re just not connecting with your subjects to begin with. It’s that intimate connection that really makes a difference in street shots. As Robert Capa once said …
I want a Fuji XE-1. But I would not complain if I had an X-Pro 1. So there's this contest where you can win an X-Pro 1 with the 35mm f/1.4, you just need to send two photographs and hope for the best.
Quando diventi grande e hai la famiglia, il lavoro... le biciclette e la fotografia e l'hackintosh e i fumetti da leggere... perdi colpi, non sei più al corrente delle novità che ci sono su internet, e ti riduci a credere che kickstarter sia l'unico sito di finanziamento popolare1.
Second part of my selection of film photos (see weekly snaps #11 for the first batch). I figured that this double bill could be a way to compensate for the entire month gone by without any updates.
I will be off the grid for a couple of weeks for some …
The black and white, London edition (yes, there's also one taken on the Dorset coast so it's not 100% London). Issue #12 will be online on Friday with a second batch of film photographs.
Last Sunday Fuji organized a test event in Milano, so I grabbed the opportunity to play with the XE-1 for a good fifteen minutes.
The event was a crowd-pleaser; a perfectly lit1, beautiful model striking sexy-annoyed poses for all those who were interested in this type of photography (a …
It just happened that all the past "weekly snaps" have featured photos linked by some sort of thread or connection. But my original idea was to collect random shots as I wrote at the beginning.
So today I was resolved in finding a few shots that I liked, with nothing …
I have been doing some experiments with this "stitching-bokeh" method; a neat idea to get the look of a medium-format camera but it takes too much computer work to get a good result; this is one of my attempts, definetely not as flashy as Brenizer's, and I am pretty sure …
Si tratta probabilmente dell'unica mostra a cui vado volentieri. È a Milano fino al 18 dicembre, ed è scontato consigliarlo a tutti gli appassionati di fotografia.
Rispetto all'edizione del 2009 che vidi a Londra, le foto qui sono stampate e non visualizzate su pannelli LCD retroilluminati; all'epoca mi colpì molto …
Qualche tempo fa cercavo uno sfogo per la mia fotografia. L'ho trovato pubblicando i miei weekly snaps; collezioni atematiche di fotografie scattate in diverse condizioni temporali, geografiche ed emozionali. O, evitando il pretenzioso vocabolario da pseudo artista e usando parole più terra terra, raccolta di foto prese un po' a …