
Ho scoperto un sito fantastico, di quelli che ti fanno riscoprire quanto Internet possa ancora essere fonte di meraviglie.

Si chiama Brain Pickings ed è come se fossero i ritagli di giornale che vorresti mettere da parte; parla di creatività, di scienza, di filosofia, di psicologia; parla di qualsiasi argomento …

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un minuto secco

Ammetto che non mi ha un po' scocciato questa cosa.

Intendo i risultati avuti su mtb-forum. Il fatto che né l'episodio 1il 2 abbiano vinto il titolo di video della settimana. E che siano stati premiati video che riprendono riding banale o che mostrano sciatteria nelle riprese o …

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self filmed test

Ero in ricognizione a Montevecchia per studiare i percorsi da riprendere nel terzo episodio di "Winter Riding Milano"1. Avevo con me la Panasonic GF1 e il treppiede Gorillapod, cosicché ho deciso di fare qualche autoripresa.

Ero con la bici leggera, il percorso era tipicamente cross-country, il rider nulla di …

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winter riding milano episode 2

As promised before, here's episode 2 of the miniseries "Winter Riding Milano".

It was shot with Masatomo on Monte Canto, another beatiful riding spot close to Milan with lots of natural trails. What is shown here is a classic one: starting from Sotto il Monte we cycled up to the …

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Burj Khalifa in Dubai, tallest building in the world (828m!).

And this is a little video shot between Milano, Munich and Dubai, 5x5 vimeo-style (i.e., 5 sec clips put together with no background musico or other editing; the original project was called 5x5 because at the end you get …

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moving to calepin

I moved my tumblr log to calepin.

The reasons for doing it ? I like the idea of having finally all my posts under control and not having to resort to a web interface. It's faster and cleaner. I might do the same with my other blog,, where …

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winter riding milano episode 1

So I've been busy shooting some videos with a friend and what I discovered is this: it's a lot of work to ride hunting for location and constantly stop to shoot a five seconds clip !

Anyway, the idea was to show in 3 episodes the kind of riding you can …

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bewitched by his eloquence

Date Tags quote

"Those of us who were bewitched by his eloquence on the campaign trail chose to ignore some disquieting aspects of his biography: that he had accomplished very little before he ran for president, having never run a business or a state; that he had a singularly unremarkable career as a …

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the codex

Date Tags quote

"The codex is built for nonlinear reading — not the way a Web surfer does it, aimlessly questing from document to document, but the way a deep reader does it, navigating the network of internal connections that exists within a single rich document like a novel."

-- The Mechanic Muse — From Scroll …

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running errands

"I was out running errands today, walking through the city. I remembered, a mile away from home, that a screw had fallen out of my wife’s favorite eyeglasses over the weekend, and that she was waiting for me to fix them. Walking down a city street, I said, “Remind …

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beautiful apps

I honestly don't know what the fuck is with these "beautiful" apps for iOS.

Here's another one that's getting raving reviews: it's a simple task management app that focuses on cloud syncing, changing background pictures, being free etc.

But what's the point in having all these things that makes an …

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