sestri levante superenduro 2011 preview

Had a great day of riding last Saturday. Woke up at 6:30am, took the 7:39 train to Sestri Levante. Three hours or so, and then here I am in Sestri; cool breeze, warm sunshine, I started following the Superenduro signs. Here's a few pics that sum up the …

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hereditary genius

From "Secrets of a Mind-Gamer", a fascinating article on a normal guy who becomes a memory champion:

In his 1869 book Hereditary Genius Sir Francis Galton argued that a person could improve at mental and physical activities until he hit a wall, which “he cannot by any education or exertion …

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Date Tags misc

I would like to move to some place neat in the future, maybe a place where the outdoors are close and people are friendly and the quality of life is great (maybe everybody dreams about a place like this).

Vancouver seems to be that place, however it would be difficult …

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stutterer writes about stuttering

Date Tags links

A great article on taking inspiration from "King's speech", a stutterer writes about stuttering.

Some great insights, worth reading if you are vaguely interested in the subject (or if you have a friend who stammers and want to know what on earth does he think when he's stuck …

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english writers

I love tech bloggers such as Gruber, Brooks, Arment. Even if there really is nothing in common between me and those guys except for a generic interest in technology and nerdism, I still love their passion, the public interactions on twitter and instagram (true, sometimes their shots are not really …

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an app to store my passwords

What I was looking for: an app to store my passwords

I stuck with Lockbox Lite for a long time on my iPhone. Then I got fed up about not being able to have the same data available also on my two Macs (not to mention the stupid ads). So …

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the net delusion

Date Tags quote

"In 2007, when he was at the State Department, Jared Cohen wrote with tragic wrongheadedness that “the Internet is a place where Iranian youth can … say anything they want as they operate free from the grips of the police-state apparatus.” Thanks to the exciting new technology, many of those freely …

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corni di canzo con la neve

Povero illuso che ti fai una gita sui Corni di Canzo alla domenica. Se sei l'unico che va su con una bici da montagna, ci sara' un motivo. Arrivi in cima, e scopri che e' tutto un ghiaccio. Per perdere duecento metri di dislivello su un sentiero che zigzaga dolcemente …

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