24h finale ligure


Quando andavo in moto mi hanno sempre appassionato le gare di endurance; 6 ore di Sebring, 24 ore di Les Mans, fari nella lunga notte, tutte cose che mi affascinavano.

Ho smesso di andare in moto ma le gare di durata non hanno mai smesso di attirarmi. E quest'anno sono …

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Date Tags photo

_D7K6342 Portra 160

I find it difficult to take interesting/compelling/creative photos of familiar places. So what I did this time was just to take random snaps, without thinking too much, without trying to sample all the possible aspects of a place.

They may not show what the true Rosamarina is: to …

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weekly snaps 5

Date Series Part 5 of weekly snaps Tags photo

I haven't been able to publish these 'weekly snaps' for the past three weeks, but here I am with number 5; this time I'll start off with a couple of cliché photos.

_D7K5243 - Version 2 Boschi di Carrega, Parma. Nikon D7000, 35mm f/1.8G; f/4 and 1/800s. Shooting something new …

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notes on parenting

Lately I've been reading quite a lof of articles about parenting. Most of them are book reviews but I did not read any of these books though1, which could mean: (A) I'm a bit shallow, (B) stressed out New Yorkers, overproductive Chinese immigrants, rich Californians are not people that …

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weekly snaps 4

Date Series Part 4 of weekly snaps Tags photo

This week's post has been delayed by some very expected news.

I'll start off with two variations of a similar photo I published in Weekly snaps #3; the first is a classical black and white, the second a slightly toned black and white.

Then I have three photos which were …

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Fatemi lasciare un segnalibro in questa data, perché Valentina è nata oggi, 4 agosto 2012.


di getto

uscire dall'ospedale, rientrare a casa con Giulia e la bambina e pensare che d'ora in avanti ci sarà sempre una terza persona in casa.

incantarsi davanti al suo visino, ingobbirsi per starle vicino …

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panasonic gf1 late review

Date Series Part 1 of Gear Reviews Tags photo / gear

[Click here for italian version.]

It's been quite some time now that I have gone back to DSLRs, but the little Panasonic GF1 is still a constant presence in my backpack. In the meantime, Panasonic has churned out countless other iterations on the same micro four/thirds concept; but to me it has somehow watered down the concept and only the latest one (GX1) seems to be the true successor of the GF1.

I think it's only appropriate to post now a few words on my GF1; I know, it is indeed a very late review1 but it could be of some interest to cheapskates that are looking for a nice and little second-hand camera (or maybe convince those of you affected by GAS2 that the GF1 is still "good enough")

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panasonic GF1 recensione fuori tempo

Date Series Part 2 of Gear Reviews Tags photo / gear

[Click here for italian version.]

È da quasi un anno che sono tornato al mondo reflex con una Nikon D7000, ma la piccola Panasonic GF1 è ancora una presenza costante nel mio zaino. Nel frattempo sono uscite altre cento iterazioni della Panasonic sul tema mirrorless / micro quattroterzi ma solo l'ultima (GX1) mi pare la vera evoluzione della GF11.

Pubblico quindi solo ora, fuori tempo massimo3, alcune impressioni e note sulla GF1. Potrà interessare gli squattrinati che vogliono cercare una buona e piccola macchina fotografica sul mercato dell'usato o convincere i maniaci dell'acquisto compulsivo a ritardare il pensionamento della propria GF1.

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weekly snaps 3

Date Series Part 3 of weekly snaps Tags photo

This week, moody skies.

All shots taken with a Nikon D7000 during last weekend's walks in and around town with Giulia. I wanted to add "all shots were minimally processed except for that one" but the reality1 is that I used also some dodge and burn, at least one …

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talking photography

There are still pearls to be found on the internet, after all.

In these days I have found three photography blogs which are full of interesting and well written articles; stimulating, instructive, much better of the crap that Popular Photography publishes (and I'm not even mentioning the countless websites and …

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ipad mini needs

Rumors of an upcoming iPad Mini are abundant.

As usual, all the tech bloggers are very concerned with things such as pricing, market position, technical feasibility, etc. What a bunch of boring guys.

Now, bear with me for just a few moments, because all I want to do is tell …

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weekly snaps 2

Date Series Part 2 of weekly snaps Tags photo

This week a few pictures taken during a lazy Sunday in Ziano Piacentino. Good wine there, and a first experience using an old manual focus Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 which I had modified to AI-S to use it on my D7000.





Ok, so this one was obviously not taken …

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reversed lens hood

Emphasis is mine:

Shoot from the hip and sort it out later in Photoshop; this is a slippery slope plunging inevitably towards the depths of despair and devastating loss of self-esteem that comes with shooting on program mode with a high ISO, no tripod and a reversed lens hood. The …

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moving to github

Date Tags tech

If somebody would actually read these posts he'd start thinking something like "what a loser".

Here I am, a fairly old git, waiting for his first baby, with too many things to do at work (and off-work), losing precious sleep hours to relocate his blog on GitHub.

And what the …

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